"Fred is livid, absolutely livid, that his enormous piss-take has been revealed to the public," said a friend. "He had hoped that it would be announced sometime around the new financial year. It is terrible to deprive a pensioner of the fun of this year’s April Fool’s day and taking the piss out of the British public."
Sir Fred complained that the details of his £650,000 a year pension, for life, from the bank in the worst shape of all due to the policies he was responsible for do not take into account how the pension fund has built up over the years.

"Who is really taking the piss? Me, or the people who failed to notice the impact that my taking early retirement would have on pre-existing pension arrangements, that already took the piss? Oh, me. Well they should have guessed when I nearly pissed myself laughing," joked the ruinous bank CEO with no banking experience or qualifications. "Ha, nearly pissed myself again! Well I am a pensioner now!"
Sir Fred was adamant that he should not forgo any of his pension after having already given up several piss-taking opportunities when conceding significant gestures towards the British taxpayer as they bailed him out with tens of billions of pounds to save RBS from his incompetence.
"All those piss-taking gestures I made seem to be overlooked," said Sir Fred as he gave a taxpayer shop assistant the finger. "For some reason they didn’t give me my 12 month notice period. Running RBS with the taxpayer as an underwriter would have been the biggest piss-take of all."
Sir Fred said that he would not let the utter humiliation of having masterminded the biggest collapse of a bank, the recording of the largest loss in British corporate history and having achieved a nationalisation programme that even Lenin would have been impressed with affect his attitude to business.
"You could call this rewarding failure. Staggeringly incompetent failure," laughed Sir Fred making obscenely large gestures to taxpayers out of his limousine window. "But I vow to keep living, to draw from my £16m piss-taking pension pot until no taxpayer has a pot to piss in."
Letter from Sire Fred BadLoss to Radio 2.
Mr Wogan,
I hear you are a bit of an expert on the old banking lark.
Due to an unfortuate misunderstanding about a small sum of money, I have recently lost my employment, and must now struggle by on £693,000 per annum, like many in these chaistened times. I have had to dispense with the corporate helicopter and Filipino maid. Fortunately, I have received an email thingy from a Nigerian prince who is willing to share half his fortune with me if I send him £5,000 postal order.
This is where you come in Wogan, in the absence of the Filipino main, can you explain how to complete a postal order.
Sir Fred BadLoss CBE KNOB
Mr Wogan,
I hear you are a bit of an expert on the old banking lark.
Due to an unfortuate misunderstanding about a small sum of money, I have recently lost my employment, and must now struggle by on £650,ooo per annum, like many in these chaistened times. I have had to dispense with the corporate helicopter and Filipino maid. Fortunately, I have received an email thingy from a Nigerian prince who is willing to share half his fortune with me if I send him £5,000 postal order.
This is where you come in Wogan, in the absence of the Filipino main, can you explain how to complete a postal order.
Sir Fred BadLoss CBE KNOB
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